Pierce Schmerge

This is your life

Pierce Schmerge
This is your life

And it's ending one minute at a time.

Fight Club was a great movie and an even better book. It has been close to ten years since I've last read the book, but not nearly a year since I last watched the movie. One of the reasons I enjoy both so much is that they capture the violent rejection of societal norms. I can relate to the narrative Chuck Palahniuk introduces with regards to rejecting society's expectations.

The irony in writing about it is not lost on me however, I see more people trying to prove they are alive all while missing the beauty of life.

I have had the pleasure of traveling, and experiencing some of the world, and noticing that people are tuning it out. People are intentionally ignoring some of the most beautiful places on earth. Can you imagine the other things in life they are missing?